Theory U Journey

The U process has five movements: Co-Initiating, Co-Sensing, Presencing, Crystallizing, and Prototyping. The process Initiates when a person develops an Open Mind, an Open Heart, and an Open Will  to motorize our actions to Crystallize our emerging future. Finally, we Prototype our crystallized future.

Let´s explain it with graphics!
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What is Theory U?

Kim S. van den Berg from “Visual In Progress” created an e-book, to explain with graphics the core of Theory U :).

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The process of Theory U

The U-process comes down to this :

1. Sensing with fresh eyes
2. Sensing from the field
3. Presencing
4. Crystallizing vision and intention
5.Prototyping by head, heart, and hand

Slide 3

Let´s explain it in more detail!

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If you are interested to see more content of “Theory of U in Vissual”, you can check it here Visuals in progress.

What is Theory U for us?

A framework for change that gives methods, perspectives and tools for social systems by changing for a rise of consciousness“.

Theory U was proposed by Otto Scharmer with colleagues at MIT. For further information about Theory U and other projects around the world, you can consult Presencing Institute.